Because in a world of cold exactness, she is a welcome breath of fresh air;
Because everytime I hear her voice, the blank passionlessness of average life fades away;
Because in a day and age paralyzed by quiet desperation, her white lies are a gentle reassurance;
Because her voice alone is poetry with sound;
Because when I see how dishonest our society is, how false our intentions, how fleeting our promises, I can turn to her music for a moment of truth;
Because when I hear her I can close my eyes and put myself beside a little waterfall in the middle of a great nowhere, where all of the irrelevancies of the city are far behind;
Because my creative imagination is gagged and bound by the cumbersome duty of a smog-filled, soul-zapping industrial economy, and she sets it free;
Because when all the contrivancies of the 'real' world - all the beer-soaked promises, all the patriotic reassurances, all the professed dreams and opportunities - fail to make me happier than I was as a child, I find solace in knowing there is something better.
Song of the Day: Fittingly, Jenny Lewis' 'Silver Lining'. This is a slowed down version of her most popular song. Somehow I think this solo, acoustic version is even better than the original released with Rilo Kiley. If you're wondering why the song is so poignant, maybe it's because of how much emotion she's putting into it: she's almost crying by the end. I'm not afraid to call her one of the greatest living American artists.
You took the words from my heart. Jenny makes my soul dance. The purity in her voice makes her raw lyrics even more heartbreaking. I've loved her the two times I've seen her in Austin and cannot wait for the next time!